The Role of Political- Security Factors in Retrogression of Chabahar Free Zone

Document Type : Original Article


1 - Assistant Professor of Political Geography, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

2 - PhD Student of Political Geography, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


The mechanism of politics and geography relations create a situation that facilitates better management of political space within states and clarifies the geopolitical weight of that geographical space at regional and global levels. Hence, ignoring geographical location brings with itself extravagant costs. Chabahar free zone, which has some potentialities such as geopolitical, economic, security, regional and international business, has power creating functions, but it has not used its potentialities and it has remained underdeveloped. Several factors are effective in the issue that has had security aspect or it has been given security aspect. Security factors are the main obstacles of investment and retrogression. Considering the fact that security and development are intertwined conceptually, and development is not possible without security, development has an important role in establishing security. Development of this region depends on designing effective policies directed toward solving problems and optimal using functions of this region. So, recognizing problems of development help to present solutions and solve such problems. Hence, this paper, by employing an analytic approach, attempts to study the reasons of retrogressionof the region that are the result of political-security factors, and present some strategies to use opportunities optimally and solve the problems of this region.
This paper seeks an answer for this question: “why Chabahar free zone that has some potentialities like geopolitical, economic, security, regional and international business, and has power creating functions, has not used its potentialities and it has been underdeveloped?”
The research methodology adopted is descriptive- analytic method and data gathering procedure is library findings.
Results and discussion
Ignoring geographical location brings with itself extravagant costs, and imposes insecurity, economic, social and cultural poverty, social injustice on national interests that affects national power and position in the structure of world system which is very important from the viewpoint of political geographers.
Security factors are the main obstacles of investment and retrogression. Considering the fact that security and development are intertwined conceptually, and development is not possible without security, development has an important role in setting of security. Development of this region depends on designing effective policies directed toward obstacles and optimal use of functions of this region. So, recognizing obstacles of development help to present solutions and solve these problems. Hence, this paper tries to study the reasons of retrogression of the region that are the result of political- security factors.
