The Middle Eastern US foreign policy: the logic of Globalization or Geopolitics?

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Department of PS and IR, Shahid Beheshti U


Globalization has attracted lots of attentions in the academia in the last few decades. Many people and many disciplines have sought to define its characteristics as well as its consequences. One major feature of globalization, it is argued, is that it has reduced the importance of territoriality and borders in politics. Thus, globalization as de-territorialization stands in opposite to geopolitics. However, both globalization and geopolitics have shaped states` behavior and foreign relations. This article sets to examine which of globalization or geopolitics has had major impact on the American foreign policy in the Middle East particularly after 9/11. Our main thesis is that the United States` foreign policy in the Middle East since the event in September 11, 2001, has been basically shaped by its geopolitical interests but under discuss of globalization.      


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