The Role of Geographical Imagination and Geopolitical Representation in Dividing Space/Place into "our" and "their"

Document Type : Original Article


1 Researcher of Critical Geopolitics, Critical Human Geography and Geography of Media, Hamedan, Iran

2 Department of Political Geography. Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

3 Department of Cinema. Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.

4 Department of Community Health. Hamedan University of Medical Science, Hamedan, Iran


Human life is tied with space through spatial emotions and the sense of place. Although existence of spatial emotions plays a vital role in the creation of space and in some ways reflects the presence, tale, culture, and feeling in the place and space and in this way assists man in there, in some situations this issue can lead to some challenges which are rooted in discriminative approaches that divide humanity into "us" against "others". In the critical human geography and critical geopolitics, scholars mentioned numerous factors which are influential in this dividing. One of the main factors which plays a significant role in this process is "geographical imagination" which obtains semi-logical reasons for a group of individuals and some states and powers to exclude other social, political, and ethical groups from "us". This subject can influence people and encourage them to ascribe wrong facts to individuals who are categorized as "others" and misattribute their spaces and places as dangerous locations. This spatial approach, consequently can result in labeling some spaces as "spaces of fear" and through this generates a wide range of social, economical, political and spatial problems and restrictions for individuals who are considered as "others or them".


Main Subjects

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