Jurisprudence Concerning ‘Fake News’ and Related Concepts in Malaysia

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Law, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia

2 Professor, Department of Law, Al-Mustaqbal University College, Iraq


The development of digital technology encourages the advantages of using digital media as the main information source. However, such development has also been misused by certain individuals or entities to mislead the public by generating fake news. On the Internet, false information travels faster than the truth, and it takes a lot of effort to stop it. This article uses a qualitative approach analysis to evaluate the various strategies used to thwart false news. In the first part, the authors described the notion of false news. In the second part, the authors examined the legislative framework that Malaysian parliaments have adopted to make it illegal to spread and publish false information. In the final part, the authors zoomed through the lens of jurisprudence that can be applied as a counter measure against dissemination of fake news. Hence, the importance of this article is to provide a clear understanding of the jurisprudence analysis of fake news in Malaysia.


Main Subjects

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