Archaeological Analysis of Political and Cultural Relations between Persia and Asia Minor in Achaemenid Period

Document Type : Original Article


1 -Associate Professor of Archaeology, Trbiat Modares University, Tehran

2 - Ph.D Student of Archaeology,Tarbiat Modares University,Tehran

3 - Assistant Professor of Archaeology,Tarbiat Modares University,Tehran


A political system dominated on a country to have a better manage on its affairs, needs an administrative division of political spaces, and putting a governer with special powers on these units. The First experience administrative division of political space, backs to Achaemenid period (330-550 BC). In this period, Darius The Great, organized the spatial structure of the country into twenty satrapies and appointed a satrap from the central government on the rule of satrapies. Achaemenid political governance method , was Federation and Conquered areas with having their autonomy, were submissive of central government. One of conquered area was Asia Minor (Modern Turkey) that some of Achaemenid satrapies were located there. The purpose of this study is reviewing aspects of Achaemenid federal rule in Asia Minors satrapies and how to classify them according to Achaemenid administration policy.
