The New Geopolitics of Asia:Towards Cooperation and Interdependency

Document Type : Original Article


- Ph.D in International Relations, Vice-President of Center for Strategic Research and Head of Foreign Policy Research Department, Tehran, Iran


Significant economic prosperity in some Asian nations over a sustained period has left impacts on different areas of international relations. This paper explores the process of geopolitical developments in Asia, and examines the possible ways and means to ensure that these developments are in accordance with the common interests of Asian nations. Revealing an Iranian perspective of the geopolitical changes in Asia, the author traces the quest for independence to the rise of a development discourse in the Asian continent in the post-World War II period. He also studies the challenges ahead of the rising Asian powers such as energy security and lack of regional arrangements for conflict management and resolution. Pointing to Iran's salient status in world energy market, the author suggests the ways that Iran can contribute to the Asian energy security. The paper finally suggests measures for the promotion of Asian interdependency and cooperation including development of a normative system, development of a collective security structure and promotion of Asian cooperation. 
