Role of Regional Integration in MERCOSUR Regional Peace and Development An Approach to Human-Centered Geopolitics

Document Type : Original Article


1 Human Sciences,Political Geography, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Full Professor of Political Geography, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

3 Political Geography, Imam Hossein University

4 Assistant Professor Of Political Geography, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


The creation of regional or international organizations is considered as a way to peace building and keeping. In fact, one of the causes of transformation of international organization after the Cold War has been the settlement of peace and security in regional context. Latin America is among strategic regions of the world that has witnessed a new trend of regional integration after the end of the Cold War and the regional states have taken different ways to promote regional cooperation and alliance in different facets and in particular in economic and political realms. So, the research is intended to investigate the role of MERCOSUR in regional peace and development in Latin America. This paper argues that MERCOSUR has been successful, and it is in line with Latin America interests and also can provide a proper pattern of regional integration and interdependence and can be developed among the states which share common political interests.


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