Geopolitics of Emerging Powers (BRIC) and the Outlook of 2050

Document Type : Original Article


- Senior Expert of International Energy Studies Institute, Tehran, Iran


BRIC group consists of emerging economic countries which by experiencing high economic growth during last two decades are becoming new economic powers in the world.
The BRIC Alliance which consists of; Brazil, Russia, India and China, have almost a quarter land areas of the glob with more than 40 percent of world population. Moreover, they have 45 percent of worldwide foreign exchange rate which all lead the world to be affected by their decisions. Because of their now and then nonstop high growth in economy (they will experience the average growth rate of six percent over the next two decades), in 2050, BRIC countries would make serious rivals to the advanced economies.
The main research question is: Will BRIC group, in the short and long run, be a serious competitor for the world economically strong countries? Are members of this group considered emerging powers? This paper tries to answer this question by using Scientists comments on the criteria of national power in the geopolitical context of the oretical discussions. Also outlook of BRIC will analysis with a descriptive analytical method and using library resources and documents.
Results and Discussion
The results indicate that in the future, BRIC countries, according to national power criteria framework will be considered as emerging powers and major rivals for the economically advanced countries.
BRIC countries holding approximately 10 % of the world oil reserves. These countries also have 25 % and 40 % of gas and coal reserves of the world respectively. Among BRIC countries, only Russia is considered the exporter .Russia, therefore, plays an important role in oil and gas supply, especially gas among Asian markets and since other BRIC countries are oil importers, demands for fossil fuels by these emerging countries are changing global markets significantly. Considering quick growth of these economies at energy markets, they are also expected to play a role in future as well. Effect of emerging economies on current and future energy markets is , therefore , very important and consequences of the policies taken by these economies on Iranian energy geopolitics as a producer of oil and gas worth mentioning. Because this group provides Iran opportunities which could be used to improve its national security.
