Geopolitical Elaboration of Power Rivalry: The Case of Central Eurasia in New Great Game

Document Type : Original Article


1 - Assistant Professor of International Relations, University of Isfahan

2 – MA Scholar of International Relations, University of Isfahan

3 - MA Student of Political Science, University of Isfahan


The Russian Empire and United Kingdom as two main players in the great game of nineteenth century kicked off a colonial rivalry in the geopolitical arena of Central Asia. However the repetition of this great game in the post-cold war world led to some criticisms to the geopolitical ideas dominating 19th and 20th centuries that focus on the geopolitics of resistance as one of the most important approaches in the geographical policies in the beginning of the third millennium.
     The present paper is an attempt to study the level of influence of these two approaches – domination and resistance – on the current of the new great game in Central Eurasia. The findings of the study indicate that the degree of congruity of the domination geopolitical approach is higher than that of the resistance approach. At the same time it is necessary to establish an active civil society based on sociopolitical reforms in the countries of the game field in order to materialize the principles of geopolitics of resistance.     
