A new Concept of the Heartland

Editor-in-Chief Lecture



The term of the ‘’Heurtland’’ wxpressecl by the prominent British geographer, sir Helford Mackinder in his lecture entitled ‘’Geographical Pirot of History’’ Presented to the Royal Geogrophical society on  January.[1]
From view point of mackinder, the heaktlancl of  pirot area, had been situated bet ween Volga kivel , Hima layas mountains, eastern Siberia and Arctic, which had the strong political (function, sothat its control could be culminated in superiority on the world. The writer of this note believes, that the political function of the places and spaces is not fixed and permanent, on the contrary the power of this function can be changed time by time and place to place. The writer of this note believes, that the political Function of the places and spaces is not fixed and place to place. The term of the Hearland can be conceptualized to the strong Political role of the place and geographical space with a global impact, sothat such place or space can in fluence on the global politics or global political processes.
From this view point , the heartland has been gradually changed from the last of the cold war era until now. Nowadays the heartland is located in the south-west of Asia, including the countries of Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Kuwait, Ivag , Syria, Le banon, Israel, Palestine and the kegions of the Persian Gulf, the Caspian sea , the east of Mediterranean and the caucasia- A rectangular which is approximately limited between northern la titudes of 23-40 -  , and eastetn longitudes of 33-75.