Geopolitical Security Environment of Israel and its Identical Others

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of International Relations, Faculty Human Science, University of Tarbiat modares, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of International Relations, Faculty Human Sciences, University of Tarbiat modares, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of International Relations, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


This paper by implicit reference to hypothesis about the characteristics of internal constructive discourse of Israel, based on identical elements and how to create identical others at this society, by using constructivism theory and looking in to relations between these elements and promised land, has been considered the role of geopolitical security environment of Israel due to special historical and geographical situation of this political unit to intensification other building in Israel and its ruling identical discourse and in this regard has overview to Israeli others in region and its security politics, and also has been considered its influence on foreign policy of this regime. According to being special and close society of Israel which is under domination of separative and disjunctive ideological radical Judaism, the main question of this paper is : how the security environment has been influenced on its disjunctive and isolating identity? And how has this effect been? The hypothesis of this paper is although the special security environment of Israel has not been play the main role in decisions and behaviors of other-making of Israel, but it has influenced on reinforcement of these kind of behaviors and has resulted in appearance of special behavior of Israel in foreign sphere and special foreign policy decisions making. Although the theoretical framework of this paper is constructivism theory but it also uses realistic guidelines. The method is used in this paper is analytical-historical.


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